Monday 10 September 2018

Silence Undermines Inner Confidence Inviting Depression ESCAPE.=SUICIDE.

Today is WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY, and as I became aware of this day, and reading
some of the very sad facts about this; In the UK 84 men die every week by suicide, I guess its much the same for women as well, but no figures were given,the World health Organisation stated that
there is a suicide happening every  forty seconds, of every day. I felt moved by reading this great
sadness, and indictment on out modern age, to write and dedicate this blog to all those who are in
that turmoil and say that there is hope, and that life can really be worth living, HONESTLY!
I stood on the brink of the abyss  back in the year 1974, where after being diagnosed  with chronic
alcoholism, and only given three months to live, I found myself stepping up onto the edge of a
bridge, where below was a fast moving current of a tidal estuary, I was about to drown myself,
I  thought, that i had nearly drowned in alcohol, why not go the whole hog, and drown in water
this time! Just as I was about to make a move to jump, a very clear and distinct  said to me,
Michael, if you jump into that raging torrent below, what do you think will happen to you? I
found myself saying that I would die, and that would be the end of it, no more suffering,the
voice, then said to me, that all the problems you have at this very moment, will still be there
after you drown, plus you will have the additional problem of being minus a physical body,
and as this voice said that, a vision appeared in my mind of me running home to my mother
and asking her to please help me, BUT, she could not even see me, even though I was standing
right in front of her, all I got, was that she shivered and said it felt like someone had walked over her grave!! All this happened in like a compressed sequence of events, it seemed to go on for ages, but
in fact was only seconds, I climbed down and went home and hugged my mother very tightly, she
looked surprised and did not understand why I did that. That direct voice saved my life, and I went
on to go working with others who had my same alcohol addictions, I was counselling for many decades after this, and talked to dozens who were intent on taking there own life.I also got involved
in what was called rescue circles or seances, where many of those who passed through suicide would
come dazed and confused as to what the hell was going on? I thought I would be DEAD, but here I
am talking to you lot! Can you help me? I found that this great act of service of which it is, was too
emotionally jarring for me, as each one that came through would bring with them the mental anguish
that they felt prior to taking there life, and that would momentarily be transmitted into you! I left doing that very noble work, and there are thousands operating unknown behind the scenes helping
those who take their lives. I went on helping those still physically here, and felt that this was a useful
thing to do. The last thing I want to say about this, is that because of our vast ignorance about who
the hell we really ARE. and that is divine immortal souls, if we all KNEW THIS, SUICIDE would NEVER OCCUR, because we would know that it would be an UTTER WASTE
OF TIME, because we are all eternal beings, which means spelled out graphically means that you
CANNOT KILL SOMETHING THAT IS IMMORTAL!!PERIOD!! All we do by committing suicide
is ADd ANOTHER PROBLEM to are already loaded up problems that of EJECTING OURSELVES out of our VEHICLE, ie, the physical body. What we can all do if faced with this problem is to ask for help, and talk it though, silence about the turmoil  in your head is deadly, open
your heart and share how desperate you really feel, the only way of ESCAPE is to face up squarely
to your issues within, and share them and ask for help, see your doctor, or social worker, clergyman
whoever you think might help, you can even send me an email if you want, and I will respond with
a prompt reply.
My deepest wish and prayer is that this little old blog, can be of some use to any poor soul who
is in the deepest despair and suffering in silence, bless you all.
Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17 any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul realization.

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