Monday 4 July 2022


 This blog entitled PSALM is about how "WE" are all in essence pure spirit , which 

means that we are all omnipresent consciousness and intangible. When the INTENTION

is SET for "US" to become relative "we" are then condensed and steeped down our 

universality becomes "localized" within a singularity point of reference and this vortex 

funnels "you" down through m any dimensions of expression and finally emerge within 

the planet Earths dimensional field and vibration frequency, our life essence is then held

within this point and then enters the FETUS , and is then localized and locked into status.

This field is then an electromagnetic field like a double torus that surrounds the FETUS

and remains there within the being to be for the rest of their expressed time here on Earth.

We as that of humanity are all centres of consciousness and awareness, there are basically 

five centres consciousness and awareness which interact on varying dimensional levels

of expression, the physical body  is the lowest expression. Our basic task here on Earth 

is to experience tangible existence and experience a wide variety of interactions.

We all have within us an astral body which acts as a carrier vehicle for the essence 

which is spirit to interact within the astral realm when physical death takes place , 

we then move automatically into the astral plane, and take stock of what we have

experienced while being earthbound .

After resting up a while we then return again to continue gathering up tangible experiences

when we finally wake up and see how we are expressed and know that we are all SOULS

which in turn beneath that soul expression  lies that  of a PURE SPIRIT, when we know

this to be SO, we can more on up and away from Earth to other adventures that beckon


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. Do you have a view on when the soul enters the fetus? At conception or later?

  2. I would at conception that is the beginning of the process.

    1. I think it must be at conception too. A later time does not make sense to me.
