This blog today entitled IDEALS is about how eternal ubiquitous spirit become
Infinitely Compressed within a singularity point of reference and thereby become
LOCALIZED within a point of reference which then becomes a human soul being.
The localization steeps down the omnipresent spirit into that of a relative point of
reference which is the human soul. The human soul knows not of its identity as
that process of being born results in a blank slate with zero memories of who and
what you really are.
The IDEAL is that when we grow into adulthood and have many varied experiences
we gradually become aware of an inner presence within us. This does not happen to
every soul, many never find that inner presence for the whole of their life time, but
the more sensitive soul can and do feel an inner presence, and wonder what is this
presence that dwells within me?
Whether you become aware of your soul or not really depends upon your point of
ascension on the evolutionary arc of ascension , below a certain level you will be so
absorbed in physicality of life that the spiritual will have no interest to you. This
will eventually become online in another incarnation.
If you are on the cusp of ascension then you will be interested in what lies within you,
and you will take steps to look within yourself, and gain a foothold of inner seeking.
The IDEAL thing for you will be that you discover that inner spirit the soul who
dwells within you. By practicing meditation you open up the way within you and if
you persist you will eventually make contact with your higher self, which will then
reveal to your now startled self your real IMMORTAL INNER NATURE of being a
Divine Immortal Soul. When that occurs within YOU you have then met your
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
I practised working from both the root chakra upwards to the heart and the crown charkra downwards to heart. I felt a significant amount of energy around me in all the chakras. Beautiful feeling. I feel this is working in the right direction now.