What is Mankind? This blog entitled MILE is about answering this very question of
what is mankind? To answer this question fully we need to know what lies beneath this
FACADE of FORM we call the physical body. We need to understand that the physical
body is only a vehicle for the immortal divine soul to use here on Earth in order to
gather valuable experiences of physical life and its interactions.
"WE" are all localized within our physical body , localized means that we are projected
parts of consciousness which have been taken out of omnipresence universal state and
become localized within a physical body . Our inner nature is Divine Spirit, and that is
ubiquitous , but our outer nature is relative and localized to this planet and your exact
location on Earth. To find out who we really are we need to look within ourselves, within
us all lies the answer to our true immortal identity. When we can know ourselves then the
answer to who and what we are and why we are all here will become self evident.
We are all basically eternal being having a relative experience here on Earth, and the
reason we are here is very simple really, we are all here to gather experiences of
tangibility living, to "enjoy" the illusion of separation from the "WHOLE" and to engage
in emotional encounters with the illusion of "others" for in truth there are no "OTHERS"
we are all ONE fragmented and made into fractal images, into 7.7 billion beings who are
all busy gathering experiences and seeking answers from tangible sources. The real answer
will only come from within your self, Go within and find out who you really are dear
Reader of this blog.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
I think finding joy through our physical senses is a key reason for our relative existence. It is the reward that comes with a physical life.