Thursday 14 July 2022


 This blog today entitled CLIMB is about what we all are and what does destiny have in

store for us? What are we all becoming? What are we made of? The answer to that 

question is really very easy but also somewhat difficult for some of us to accept, 

Because basically we are all made of nothing more than congealed light, or solid

light which has become compressed within a singularity vortex and spun out as a 

tangible being, all matter is basically solid light energy super compressed or

condensed or congealed  into physical matter. Mankind consists of five bodies of

expression each expression is finer that the previous one before, and the most 

dense is the physical body. The other four expressions including the astral body are

all made of varying densities of energy light substance . Mankind is a three fold 

physical expression  on Earth  which is physical, mental, and spiritual, We quickly

learn about the first two expressions the physical and mental, but are somewhat 

slow on the uptake of the spiritual. The spiritual part within mankind is the point 

where you can begin the process of BECOMING!  What you really ARE! Which 

is a Divine Immortal Soul, which is made out of Fluidic flowing LIGHT energy

that is SELF LUMINOUS and alight with realized energy.

Our incarnation are all about CLIMBING out of the physical mass, engaging the

mental faculties then rotating inwards to seek out the spiritual reality of your true 

nature. When we do this we are connecting with less dense light we are becoming

ALIGHTED from within ourselves by seeking out the true nature of your real inner


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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