Wednesday 27 July 2022


 This blog today entitled AWE is about how all we have to do to find out who we really

are ,is to ASK WITHIN ENQUIRE within OUR-SELF. All knowledge and divine wisdom

lie within each one of us, all we have to do is to enquire within ourselves. 

Take up meditation or yoga and begin that journey that will take you from the bondage

of ignorance to the freedom of full self knowing . Meditation is the ancient science of full

self knowing, and how to ascend to higher states of awareness and consciousness. When we

enter the inner silence where all is calm and still, we begin to tune into out intuition and 

begin getting flashes of insights and knowledge of things that we previously did not know.

Here in this silence in the void we also tune into the wisdom of the ages . All this lies 

within you awaiting your discovery . We do not learn anything, rather we uncover what

was already there. AWE is about being in AWE as you gradually reveal more and more 

about the truth of who and what you really are, we stand in AWE and wonder when we

finally realize we are all Divine Immortal Souls, this realization will bring a tear of joy

to your eyes as you finally begin to know your true SELF which is the immortal Soul.

Deep enquiry into who am I? will finally reveal to your startled gaze your real lasting 

immortal identity. The answer to all your questions lie within YOU, all you have to do 

is to go within and find that answer to the question of WHO AM "I"? Your inner wisdom

and knowledge will answer all these questions for you.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of recovering knowledge I didn't know I had.
