Wednesday 6 July 2022


 This blog today is about the greatest mystery that has ever been known to MANKIND

and that is what is the nature of ENERGY? What is ENERGY? Where does it arise 

from? These questions have perplexed mankind for centuries and have never been fully

answered. So today I will give my answer to what I think is the nature and home of 

energy. Modern day science admit that energy can never be destroyed  only converted

into another aspect of itself. So we know as science informs us that energy is eternal

unborn reality. Question, what else is an UNBORN eternal REALITY?  That to me is

the SOURCE of all LIFE which is GOD/SOURCE or BRAHMAN. So then how does 

energy arise out of BRAHMAN or SOURCE? To me that is simple to answer, which

is that energy arose out of BRAHMAN within a PRIMORDIAL INTENTION THOUGHT

WAVE, this THOUGHT WAVE was MOTION the birth of ALL MOTION, the birth of

motion from motionlessness. ENERGY and MOTION are the same-thing, all energy is 

in motion this relative universe is in perpetual  motion which means that it is a vibrating

infinite field of limitless ENERGY;

Energy became ONLINE when an INTENTION thought wave issued out of BRAHMAN

this caused  motion and energy is motion and motion is BRAHMAN BECOMING 

Expressed in motion and motion =ENERGY.

Energy =ALL OF EVERYTHING!  This entire relative universe is composed absolutely

of just ONE THINGLESS THING which is ENERGY. Infinite eternal energy .

All life expressed is composed entirely of ENERGY, this includes the whole of mankind.

This Primordial Intention thought wave is still ONGOING, the intention is CURRENT

TODAY, and has been operating for billions of our years. ENERGY has its BEING 

WITHIN this CURRENT intention thought wave, when the INTENTION CEASES

then energy will become FROZEN and motionlessness, and in a blink of BRAHMANS

eye this relative universe will VANISH as though it had NEVER BEEN.

Warmest regards  michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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