Thursday 21 July 2022


 This blog today entitled MOIST is about how we are excluded from  a "full living

experience" by our embedded ignorance which acts like a dark mirror within us 

hiding away the the full potential of what we could become. "WE" are in a fact within

what could be called the "dance of the living death" because many of us are only

operating within two dimensions of expression, rather than the three dimensions that

we all our expressed within. 

Millions of us are only physically and mentally alive, with the spiritual dimension 

either completely unknown about, or rarely if ever aware of. This failure in our full

knowingness results in all the misery , wars, and mayhem that abound upon this 

planet. Our task if we accept this is to begin cleaning this black mirror within us

which represents our profound ignorance of just who and what we really are. Instead

of being three dimensional expressed beings, we are only two, so we are all "HALF

COCKED" and NOT fully "LOADED" into the full life SPECTRUM that is open

to us all. This blog MOIST is about "wetting our Appetite" for looking within ourselves 

and becoming acquainted with the spiritual dimension of our full expressed nature.

Meditation is a wonderful relaxing way of cleaning away our gross ignorance and 

polishing that darkened mirror, so that it begins to reflect more and more of just who we

really are.

This way we will become more aligned into our true expressed nature. We are all physical,

mental, and spiritual beings a three fold expression of human life, we need to pay full

attention to becoming three dimensional beings in tune with the truth of our expressed 

BEINGNESS. That way we will be "FULLY LOADED" and full aligned within a 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. The missing spiritual dimension appears as a gaping hole to me now, which I am attempting to fill.Most of my life I was oblivious to it as most people are. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  2. There are literally tens of millions of us who are only operating within two dimensions, the third spiritual dimension is fast asleep.
