Thursday 30 January 2020

Meditation Opens Inner Sight Transforming Enfolded Numen Significantly M O I S T E N S.

Meditation is the lubricant that moistens the rigidity of the physical self, and creates a space for
insights to flow into. An infinite wealth of knowledge and wisdom lie within each one of us,we
just need to go within, practice meditation and tune into that inner flow of living intelligent
energy that exists therein our being.
If we tune into that inner flow of silence, the energy within that silence will eventually lead
us to the place where our inner teacher dwells. How long this takes before we contact this inner
guru the master that dwells within us, really depends upon our efforts and the degree of
sensitivity we are able to align ourselves with.
When we start receiving intuitional messages thoughts that just seem to flow into our present
time consciousness, then we have already made contact with our higher self, our guru within
although at first unbeknown by us at that present moment.
As this inner communication expands and the intuition downloads of information begin to
impact upon our present awareness, we begin to instinctively feel the presence of an inner
energy, that seems to know all about us, when this happens we begin to see and understand what
is actually occurring within us.
We begin to realise that this intuitive inner voice, this still small voice,that we heard in our life
when we were in a crisis, this reassuring inner voice, that told us we were safe and would recover
that this voice was indeed the voice of our very own indwelling soul our higher SELF,
Which is our very own inner guru or master, who dwells within all of humanity,albeit largely
unknown by most of the population.
The exterior world that lies outside of you, is the one that we are all fairly familiar with, while
the interior that which is within us, is most completely unknown by mankind. we see a universe
that science informs us is infinite and seemingly eternal,what science has yet to grasp though is
that within us is also infinite and eternal, and whats more it is our true eternal abode,where we
all have been living forever.This relative incursion that we are all on incarnating here on Earth
is just a blink of the eye for the eternal soul/spirit of which we all truly are. Meditation is the KEY
that unlocks this inner universe and allows you access to your true inner BEING.
In part two will explore this further.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.

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