Wednesday 1 January 2020

Singularity Presented Opens Relativity Expressing Self. S P O R E S

How can the Absolute Infinite Reality becomes presented within an relative physical universe?
In order for this to be achieved we need first to discover that the relative universe is in truth
just an illusion, it is not absolutely real,rather it is only relatively real, in other words a"temporal
reality"even if this temporal reality last for billions of years according to our concepts of time,
we further need to realize that time too is an illusion as well.
This relativity this relative universe is really just a backdrop covering that which is Absolute
that lies behind the facade of relativity.
"We" as this thing called humanity, which in itself is an illusion , because so many millions of
us actually believe that this physical biological machine is actually who we really are, which of
course is utter nonsense, because when we look within ourselves we soon realize that the
physical body is only a vehicle for its true occupier and divine energy intelligent matrix of
the soul or higher self.
So where does the singularity come into play here? If we can imagine that the SOURCE of
all life, which "we" all are totally submerged within is like an Absolute Infinite Ocean of PURE
Consciousness/Spirit/Life Essence, this is where "we" ALL have come FROM, and will ALL
eventually return to at some point in our journey from stillness Absolute motionlessness, then into
perpetual motion last aeons of illusive time. Then ascending higher and higher levels of consciousness  and awareness reaching cosmic consciousness and beyond ,then finally merging
back into that total stillness of the Absolute.
The singularity is the only way any of us can become presented here in the dense physical realm
on and on this planet Earth.If we can try and understand what we ALL OUR in ESSENCE then
the idea of a singularity will immediately clarify itself.OUR essence is DIRECTLY from the
SOURCE of ALL presented LIFE universally,and this SOURCE of all life is ABSOLUTE
so the question then arises as to how can an Absolute BEING become expressed within a relative
field of many dimensions?
In part two of this blog will explore and explain how this seemingly impossible state of expression
and how that expression is held in coherence to permit the needed experiences to be gathered.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. To those of you dear readers who enjoy my writings, I also have a page on Facebook called Soul Realization, you can easily find it under my name and if difficulty in finding it use the the word Atraxy that will zoom into my soul realization page.
