Sunday 12 January 2020

Absolute Motion Is Spiritual Stillness-A M I S S .

Life or spirit (they are both the same thing) has basically two distinct states of being, if life
or spirit is being expressed  which means that it is moving and has motion, then it is relative,
if however life or spirit is unexpressed then it remains motionlessness and is therefore
absolute. Absolute rest (stillness) is a state that matter cannot experience, only the soul
or spirit can experience such stillness.
This is why all the ancient teachings of self-knowing talk about the need to go within yourself
in order to attain stillness.
We still get the same teaching today from yoga or meditation practices, the key wording is
always go within yourself and find that inner silence. Silence and stillness are inextricably
linked together.
The reason we need to go within is because of what we really are. At our outer marker which
is the physical body vehicle we are totally relative and made of gross physical atoms at a low
vibration frequency, as we venture into ourselves we begin to enter an inner space which
gradually begins to move into higher and higher vibration frequencies, thereby over time
and sustained effort, we begin loosing our dense physical atoms, and they are automatically
replaced by finer ethereal atoms.
We 'each' are being expressed through five dimensions of expression tapering down from a
very high level of perceptive consciousness and awareness, down to the gross level of
physicality the physical body vehicle.
Each of these five bodies or dimensions of expression are all within what could be termed as
a 'relative bubble' at the highest expression of relativity (motion) we can choose whether to
burst that last bubble of relativity and thereby melt and dissolve into the absolute. or chose
to either stay within one of the five dimensions of expression, and do whatever you feel you
would want to do, maybe go back into the Earth plane and help out those who are still
groping about in the darkness of their ignorance of their divine heritage.
The dictionary meaning of the word AMISS says this; "not quite right,inappropriate,out of place"
I think these meanings of the word AMISS describe mankind to a tee!
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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