Monday 6 January 2020

Infinite Consciousness Omni Numinosity.-I C O N Part Two.

At its essence Life/Spirit/consciousness is intangible(not having a physical presence) Ineffable
(cannot be explained in words) Incorporeal,(having no material existence) invisible cannot be
seen by mortal eyes, all these descriptions of Life/spirit,consciousness you and me, are all
relating and leading to just one reality that includes and also transcends all those other words,
and that one reality is consciousness.Consciousness is ALL and ALL is consciousness, what
does this really mean?
If we look at the medieval proverb which states that "All roads lead to Rome",which can mean
that wherever you start from you will always end up in ROME. Well consciousness can be
described and paraphrased as this maybe? "All words lead eventually to ONE-WORD  which
is Consciousness"! Because within that one word the whole universe resides within its infinite
and absolute embrace.
We all use billions of words, but in essence they ALL Condense down into that  of
The ICON is US  human beings , first we have the "I" then we have the CONsciousness
making the "I CON".
The full sequence of this equation is 'I  AM Consciousness' or ICON for short!
In our core of being we "all" are ONE LIFE only,immaterial,incorporeal,ineffable, invisible
and wholly ALIVE  and absolute BEING. But at our "outer marker", which is this relative
universe,and us within it being expressed as this thing called humanity. We are all self aware
our consciousness life stream is condensed from its universal ocean of non locale to that of being
localized within your localized consciousness energy matrix, which is holding you in physical
stasis in order for your soul to gather valuable experiences so that it can eventually reconnect to
the whole and can therefore disembark from the illusion of separateness and fragmentation, and
get of the wheel of physical expressed life, and move on to higher and more rewarding insights
and inclusive wisdom and knowledge.
Consciousness is who and what we all are, consciousness which is also light as well, has been condensed and vastly steeped down in vibration in order so that it can become flesh and bone and
provide a suitable residence for the soul to interact with, wisdom at its finest!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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