Saturday 18 January 2020

Primordial Light As Cosmic Electricity -P L A C E .

What is our place in this world? What lies within us that has mystified mankind for
millennium? These are deep and seemingly unfathomable riddles that has baffled mankind
and also invoked countless arguments and violence over the passing centuries.
The primordial light has also another name which is that of FOHAT, this is an ancient word
that comes from Sanskrit text and originates from the Tibetan script language. It means the
primordial light that emanated from within the Absolute BEING at the place of where all
motion was born,perpetual relative motion, from absolute motionlessness.
The word FOHAT broken down spells out . Force-Of-Holistic-Absolute-Thought=FOHAT
equals LIFE 'you and me'are fohat in motion life is Cosmic Electricity  condensed into shape
and formed  into a human being by infinite intelligence.
Our PLACE in the universal scheme of things is here and now upon this planet Earth. Why are
we all here?
The reason we are all here is indeed very simple and elementary,in its direction. The path or
direction we are all heading towards is called the realisation of that in which you truly are,
but are as yet completely unaware of this reality.
This pathway is commonly called evolution, Our base gut feeling is to feel safe and secure, a
'PLACE' where we are ;safe and secure,whole and happy,this basic gut feeling is what we all
crave for and seek out.
The primordial light FOHAT  is our link between mind and matter, our outer physical body
is anchored within that of matter, this is our biological machine body vehicle, our consciousness
within is purely non physical and is universal both relative and absolute simultaneously.
When we have absorbed enough experiences, suffered enough pain and agony, been let down
and betrayed by those we loved, experienced joy and happiness, when we have become
disquieted enough with our understanding of life, we will instinctively begin the process
of looking within ourselves to the answer of what is life all about? And why am I here?
Self knowing is the force of FOHAT that 'personified electrical vital power, that drives us
all through endless lifetimes here on Earth in order to WAKE UP and realise your inner
In part two will go further into this.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.


  1. Blessed r the ones who r awakened to divinity!

  2. Thank you brother for your most valuable input here on this blog, we all need to awaken to that reality that lies within us all.
