Friday 31 January 2020

Meditation Opens Inner Sight Transforming Enfolded Numen Significantly. M O I S T E N S Part Two.

Meditation or yoga is the key that will unlock the gateway that will lead you into the place
where full SELF-knowing dwells. That gateway lies within you,an inner space that is both
infinite and eternal.
Without venturing within ourselves either through meditation or yoga our levels of consciousness
will remain very much on a superficial level, and perceiving only that which belongs in the
relative duality based external world, that which lies beneath this outer facade that we all take
as reality,remain unknown and sealed of from us.
The faculty of inner sight reveals itself to you when you start practising going within yourself
and entering into that inner silence. Inner sight awakens a deeper level of consciousness within
us, and this deeper level of consciousness begins the process of transforming the enfolded
numen/spirit/soul within us, so that our lower ego-centred self can then raise up and make contact
with that higher self and the higher vibration frequencies.
This process steadily carried out on a regular basis significantly changes our whole conscious
perceptions of our evolving identity, which is showing itself to be that of an indwelling immortal
soul, and the full realisation that this indwelling immortal soul , is the true and everlasting
occupier of this vehicle the human biological machine  that you actually thought and believed
was actually who you really were!!
By going within ourselves we consciously begin the process of waking-up and thereby finding
our true and lasting immortal identity,as we go within ourselves it is or can be likened to
that of peeling an onion that has many layers or skins, as we penetrate deeper into our inner self
we begin contacting higher levels of consciousness, that were previously completely unknown
to us, and along with this evolving process, another wonderful and marvellous aspect opens up
within us, and that is intuition flashes of insightful ideas and new ways of seeing things, we have
then been given access to our very own teacher within us, that inner guru or master which is that
of our higher self the soul.
All these wonders and inner jewels and pearls of wisdom await any soul who embarks upon the
journey within yourself. Why not begin today dear reader of this blog??
Warmest regards Michael.  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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