Saturday 25 January 2020

Inquire-Analyse-Meditate.-I A M Part Two.

What we seek when we go within ourselves is union with our higher self. The lower self
which is the personality the ego, the mind, and the idea of individuality, to link this lower
self into the higher self. This act of reaching inwards and also reaching upwards is basically
an act of union, which also means yoga or meditation upon the self.
Our lower self is fragmented and torn by desires and emotions that forever focus our gaze
outwards looking and seeking satisfaction for our wants and needs and desires.
In order to find real and meaningful union within our selves we need to inquire within ourselves.
Because by the time we have begun thinking for ourselves ,we have by then been used to calling
ourselves by the name of I AM Joe Blogs or Mary Smith, not realising what a magnificent and
powerful thing we are actually saying.
We are the only life form on this planet that can say the two most powerful words ever spoken
which is that of "I AM" we need to realise just how powerful  and far reaching these two words
represent, and whats more what does the two words of I AM actually IMPLY?
As I have mentioned in other blogs, these two words of  "I AM" were spoken to MOSES by
GOD when he was at the burning bush, and was told by this voice, tell them that I AM sent
you, after Moses had inquired who shall I say sent me? I AM sent you!
Is it then just a coincidence then that we prefix who we are by saying I AM?? Then reason we
all say this is because we all our I AM being represented in relative form in time and space and
enclosed within  and encapsulated within a physical biological machine, in which we all
mistakenly believe is who we really are, when in truth our bodies are just vehicles for that real
and lasting divine principle the immortal I AM soul/spirit.
In order for us to know and fully comprehend and understand this inner reality, we need to inquire
within ourselves and thereby receive first hand  a download and a intuition flash of this inner truth
of your real being.The lasting beauty of this inner truth is that it is vouchsafed within every human
being on this planet, you do not have to take anybodies word for it, it particular not my word for it
rather just inquire within yourself and then you will know by your own inner realisation the validity
of these words,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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