Monday 2 July 2018

Way Of Movement Becoming-Simplifying Complexity About Motion-W O M B -S C A M .

What is the primal function of a womb? To give birth? Birth to what exactly?Here on this blog
today I am suggesting that we have all failed throughout the centuries to fully understand the
universal nature of what we call a womb. We have further failed to understand this womb like
nature, that we do not even realize that we are all STILL FIRMLY WITHIN IT!!! I will explain
all this as we go along. When a man and woman engage in sexual intercourse there is a seed
implanted within the egg of the female, and this seed and egg combined/co-joined make a third
entity a baby, so two together make three! Now being human being with physical bodies, we then
use a physical seed (sperm) from the male, and the female supplies the egg, where does the third
one come from? Now the act of bringing "LIFE ONLINE" and producing a third entity involves
doing something, and its this SOMETHING that i want to introduce here.First we need to look
at the word WOMB its hidden meaning can be spelled out in the very word WOMB which
spells out this; WAY-OF-MOTION-BECOMING=WOMB! We need to fully understand the
PRIMAL MEANING of the word WOMB, because the womb gives BIRTH TO MOTION!!!!!!!
When a human is manifested from the co-joining of the sperm to the egg, the first thing it does
is MOVE=MOTION. This physical universe is what? ALL IN MOTION? NO-THING is still
in this universe,why? Because all motion in this universe is still in Embryonic state, including
us. The womb is universally the producer of all MOTION, that is what a womb basically is
a motion producing universal LIFE FORCE, The FEMININE aspect of the ABSOLUTE
sometimes called ADI SHAKTI , the FEMININE aspect of the ONE is what could be called
the MOTION-ER For she MOVES the universe in endless motions.The MASCULINE aspect
of the ABSOLUTE provided the SEED THOUGHT this was the BIRTH of motion, as the seed
thought AROSE within that absolute consciousness, the Great MOTHER set it in MOTION and
entered into an embryonic virginal about to become UNIVERSE. The MOTHER is the
embodiment of ALL UNIVERSAL MOTION, and behind all that motion lies ABSOLUTE
MOTIONLESSNESS, this is the abode of the GREAT FATHER or GREAT SPIRIT, where
eternal stillness reigns SUPREME. This is where we try and connect to in deep meditation
that great stillness that lies deeply within us all.Tomorrow I will continue this and look at
the inner meaning of the word evolution, and go deeper into the fact that we are all still firmly
locked within the WOMB, we have not yet been fully REALIZED .
Warmest regards Michael. all feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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