Monday 20 November 2017

Looking-Out-Not-Going-Inward-Nothing-Gained. L.O.N.G.I.N.G.

When we look outward, we find "things" and things lead to confusion, when we look within, we
find "nothing" and this leads to clarity, and release.Within the space of nothing, all is found!
Within the clutter of many things,confusion is found.
Mankind has a deep longing within , this longing, demands to be filled, the longing often presents
itself as a feeling of emptiness within, like a "hole" that needs feeding with something, it can
develop  like a hunger, and we find way of feeding this "hole within" us, some use alcohol, others
use drugs, or food, it can and does become like a  "ravenous wolf" with an insatiable appetite
that can cause us severe problems and many deaths.
In fact millions of us die every year from addictions to drink, drugs, and food, plus a varied
assortment of emotional and mental illnesses, and all these are caused by the very same thing
LONGING, we are all longing to feel WHOLE and COMPLETE, and because we do not know
how to do this, we try and fill this "gaping hole,chasm" within us, with all manner of things,
like booze, drugs, and food, which then leads to severe addiction and a complete breakdown
of the victim, so much so that they either die, go mad, or just exist in a nightmarish twilight
world of addiction.
What is the nature of our longing? How can this longing be resident within every human
being? All seven billion of us! The answer lies in who we really are, and that is not what we all
think that we are, do you who are now reading this blog, do you really know who you are?
The question that man really needs to ask, is this, who  am I? You are not John Smith, who
works at the bank,and was born in New York, that is just what you do, not who you really are.
Your name was given to you by your parents, you are much more that just a John Smith!
There is no such thing as a "JOHN SMITH" in reality, there are no John Smiths existing in
interstellar space! Who is it that looks out through the eyes you use? You might say that it is
ME! What then is a ME, when it is at home? What is a collection of me's called? If you are
me, then who am I? Am I a me also? Take away your name, take away your job, take away
your race, take away your birthplace, what then is left? Me you might say, but then can you
tell me precisely what a ME actually is? Maybe you could say I am a human being, okay then
what exactly is that then? You stand in a physical body, and think of yourself as a human being
you refer to the body as "yours" which implies that you own it,do you really own that body?
This is a question that will be fully answered in part two, warmest regards Michael any comments welcome,facebook soul realization.

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