Wednesday 1 November 2017

Dawning-Experiences-Awakens-Termination-Here.=D.E.A.T.H. Part Two.

Death is a word that conjures up fear and dread within most humans, because it seems to spell
the "end of life" as we know it, oblivion, to be extinguished forever, all consciousness and awareness
forever gone, plus the end of our time with loved ones and family, we think we will never see them
again, and that makes the pain even harder to bare.
We think this way because of our ignorance as to what is really going on when the word "death"
enters our consciousness, we do not understand a perfectly natural process, and because we do
not understand it, we are very fearful of it.
The word death as we mostly understand it, that of complete termination of life, is basically
a meaningless phrase, the correct word for death is CHANGE, life by its very nature of "being
alive" is an eternal principal, life is forever eternal!  The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent
Focused-Energy=LIFE, that is what we all ARE! Science knows this fact when it states that
"energy cannot be destroyed only converted" remember that what we are is ENERGY!
Therefore we the time comes for us to leave this dimension, (or stage?) our physical energy
is "converted into astral energy" and then we leave the vehicle (or space suit) that we have used
for a time, and move fully into our astral body, where we are most assuredly "FULLY ALIVE"
in fact far more so that when we were here on this dense earth plane!
All our fears of dying are solely born out of ignorance, and because we are not taught the
reality of human expression, and are not taught the reality of the human soul, and our natural
immortality, we are then fed, "old wives tales" and fanciful notions of going to a place called heaven
"provided of course you are a believer in that religious  faith" if not, then you are in the shit!
Reality has NOTHING to do with faith, or any other notions, it operates whether you know it or not,
believe it or not,accept it or not, reject it or not, whatever we do or don't do, reality operates, our
thoughts and ideas are utterly irrelevant .
We need to understand that we are FIRST, souls, Second, human bodies, the human body is a "spacesuit" for the soul, the human body is just a vehicle, nothing more, a vehicle for the soul
to "gain purchase" in this dense heavy dimension, in other words gravity acts as an anchor to
keep the soul fixed into this dimension, so that it can gain experience of feelings of separation
from the "WHOLE", when we so called die (change venues) we then leave this dimension and
go into the astral dimension, this time we stay longer there, as the silver  "chord" that connects
us to this world and the next is sever or snapped and the time of the change. When we sleep at
night the chord stays attached, and we makes thousands of visits there during our stay here
on earth,
In part three will try and tie this all up so there are no loose ends.regards michael any comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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