Friday 24 November 2017

Theory-Of-Everything =T.O.E. Truth-Of-Everything=T.O.E. (Which TOE fits the right FOOT?)

The theory of everything explained on Goggle website states this; "A theory of everything (TOE)
final theory,ultimate theory, or master theory,is a hypothetical single, all encompassing, coherent,
theoretical framework of physics that fully explains, and links together all physical aspects of the
universe. Finding a TOE is one of the major unsolved problems in physics".
I have been writing about the TOE, for many years now, there was a science forum on the internet
called the TOE forum, and many of us wrote about what the TOE could be.
It occurs to me that the theory of everything is somewhat of a misnomer, because we all LIVE
WITHIN EVERYTHING every day of our lives, it is NOT a theory rather it is a LIVING and
BREATHING reality. The fact is that we are all alive within everything and that is the TRUTH.
Which brings me to the obvious conclusion that if we all live and move within everything then
the correct wording of the TOE would be the Truth of Everything,  reality is hardly a theory,
is it?
The question that Goggle asked in its explanation of what the TOE was, that the science of physics
was trying to find a all encompassing, coherent, theoretical framework that would link together all
the physical aspects of the universe. And so far it has failed to do so.
The Truth of Everything which i put out here is very simple, so simple in fact, that a ten year old
child could easily understand it,
In my forty three years of meditation and searching for what IS, i have found that consciousness
is all there really is within this universe, and that all is mind, and mind is all, if you were to put
it in some maths formula i would express it as  (C) being consciousness, and (A) being all,
all = consciousness, and consciousness =all, that is the formula that explains everything within
this universe, it is absolutely fundamentally simple. Physics in its complex mode, is far too arrogant
to see this TRUTH, for truth it verily IS, quantum physics is slowly realising that as everything
is made of energy, that energy cannot be destroyed only converted,they are beginning to see
consciousness (peering out at them) through the veil of energy. and very soon will announce that
consciousness pervades all aspects of reality within this universe. Then they can all make the jump
from "theories" to facts and the truth of everything.
Consciousness being ALL means simply that, everything you see,touch,taste,feel, smell,hear, is consciousness, all matter is consciousness, the chair you sit on is consciousness in solid congealed form,your physical body is consciousness in congealed form, light is consciousness in liquid form
energy is consciousness and consciousness is everything absolutely.
The only differences that there really are is in the rate of vibration, a banana vibrates at a different
lower rate of vibration than a human being, the only difference is in the frequency, speed of motion.
Consciousness  has a three fold expression, exactly the same as water, which can be a liquid, solid,
or gas, consciousness can be solid, like matter, liquid like thought or light, or gaseous like that of spirit, that is why we are also a race of spirit-ual beings, because we are that in our core expression.
Warmest regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

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