Wednesday 8 November 2017

Focused-Omnipotent-Reality-Consciousness-Expressed.=F.O.R,C.E, Part Three.

Consciousness is the Ocean in which we are all submerged within, and force is the "wind" that
causes a "wavelet"(us) to arise within this ocean.
We are consciousness that is aware of being a Self, self knowing,self aware, although the true meaning of these words "self aware" is completely lost in the vast majority of mankind, only
a virtual handful of humans,really  understand and actually are SELF AWARE, the other seven
billion or so of us left, are only actually aware of Their personality, their ego,we are personality
aware,egotistically aware, "I" am aware, me-ism. but NOT SELF AWARE! Self awareness means
that you know that you are spirit, you have experienced it in your aware consciousness, it is a living
truth within you,and not a theory! Self awareness means that you know absolutely that you are a
Divine soul, an immortal soul,you know this because you have experienced it in your present
life, you have a rapport, a telepathic link with this divine being within you, and there are few
like that on earth today, the numbers are growing steadily, but still very few.  Most of us are
just personality aware, ego aware, no more.
If we asked the question, what is reality? It might seem an impossible question to answer, in
fact it is very simple to answer, reality is consciousness, no other thing exists! Consciousness
transfigures into EVERYTHING, the only difference is in its vibration quality, consciousness
is, energy, light, force,spirit, soul,the chair you sit on,the mirror you shave with, the razor you
use, the house you live in,the food you eat, the water you drink, it is the ground you walk on,
the sky you look up to, the moon you see, it is Everything and All-things, consciousness is
the universe and everything that is within it,everything is alive as well, even that stone, that
pebble that you skim on the rivers surface, and it bounces along is consciousness and that
means alive as well. not animated like you are, but still alive, in a state of "profound lethargy"
We are the very embodiment of consciousness that knows it is consciousness, we know, that
we know, and because we know, we can do what other consciousness cannot do, that is to
"CHANGE OURSELVES" a wolf cannot ever be more than a wolf, a donkey might make
an ass of itself, but it will always remain a donkey, man can though raise above his humanity
and embrace his inner Divinity, no other life form can do that, except man. So what are you
waiting for dear readers of this blog, go forth and embrace your inner Divinity and expand
your consciousness as you do so!
Warmest regards Michael any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought it arrogant that mankind sees itself as superior to everything else and I feel this is partly the reason for the world's ills. I am somewhat persuaded that only mankind has the potential to be self aware. I do wonder if other intelligent creatures such as whales have this potential too.
