Monday 27 November 2017

Matter-Is-Consciousness-Expressed. M I C E.

The mask of consciousness hides in all things, hidden in plain sigh,.all matter is compressed
consciousness,all energy is but consciousness, matter, energy, consciousness, are all the very same
thing, matter can also be explained as compressed light,congealed. slowed down in vibration. we
need to understand that consciousness is expressed within an endless level of vibrational frequencies
at its higher frequencies it is expressed as light, and flows like a liquid, at lower levels it congeals (sets) and forms tangible shapes like the body you now live in!
Where do words come from? They can be expressed in sound, like the spoken word, or written down
like the words here,but where do they originate from, they come from thoughts that arise in your head, non physical sounds, yet acting on these words, like plans for a house, you can gather up
materials and build something solid, thereby you have a non tangible sound, (word) becoming
tangible and solid looking, like your house.
We are told in the beginning was the WORD, consciousness, and this WORD become all we have
ever known.
Consciousness is the PRIMAL WORD, and EVERYTHING that we HAVE EVER KNOWN or
ever will know, CONDENSES into that word, and that word is CONSCIOUSNESS, quantum
physics is just about to make this leap, they already know that energy cannot ever be destroyed
only converted, and they are beginning to realise that energy behaves in an INTELLIGENT way
and the pioneers within the quantum physics fraternity, are even beginning to say that energy
could actually be consciousness.
There were no words mentioned in the BEGINNING, just the singular WORD, our confusion lies
in the fact that we think (very mistakenly) that there "seems" to be an almost infinite number
of things! And to make this confusion even more compounded, each "different" thing has its own
individual NAME. What we all fail to SEE, because it is HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, is that
absolutely without exception,everything, you see,touch,taste, smell,hear, is all exactly the very
SAME THING! Your physical body is consciousness, the chair you sit on is consciousness,the
cup that you drink out of is consciousness, the coffee in the cup is also consciousness, NO OTHER
THING EXISTS, except CONSCIOUSNESS, life which stands for Living Intelligent Focused energy
Consciousness=LIFE, Energy =consciousness,matter =consciousness,spirit=consciousness. that
is what we are, consciousness that is aware of its being, awareness,awakened, what will we do with
this awakening?
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome,face book soul realisation.

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