Saturday 18 November 2017

Secretive-Inner-Longings-Enable-Numinous-Consciousness-Expression.=S.I.L.E.N.C.E, Part 2.

The sound of silence,is a noiseless listening to the absence of thought, having a head full of
nothing, but noiseless sound. Like a lake without any ripples, placid clear, and still, a thought
creates a ripple within this stillness, and that can create other thoughts, which then break the
inner silence.
It is only in silence that we can ever find our true nature, to fully know who we are, we all fail
to realise that thoughts that we think, are, in truth, a habit, a habit that we have been using every
day of our lives, and so has everyone else, therefore "thinking" is a collective habit, that is
globally accepted as the norm, many thoughts are "rehearsals" for future actions, what we are
to do in the future, and what we will say then, there is an ancient axiom which states that
"thoughts are things" and theses things are created by our thinking, that's where all our illnesses
come from, thinking negatively.
How many of us our masters of ourselves?  We can control so much outside of us,but can we
our thinking? Can we pause, or stop thinking at all? Do we ever try?  Do our thoughts control us,
or do we control our thoughts? Is there any spontaneous actions in our life?  Or is every move
thought out first? Inner silence is absent in our lives, unless we take some action, and do something
to create a space within us, that is peaceful, quiet, restful, and regenerative, we can do this by
taking up the practice of meditation or yoga, the power of silence is that is is a "healing balm"
one that will repair shattered nerves,bring peace within a warring self, balance our emotions,
take away our resentments, and dissipate our anger, and will foster loving feelings, joy, inner
happiness and peace.
The "habit" of thinking was born within us, by our interactions with our parents, family, and friends
who all talked to us, the birth of our ego, at around 2\3 years old, when suddenly things that were
anybodies before this egoic birth, suddenly become "mine" ME was born, and with me, came
the energy to exorcise this energy, which gave way to the creation of thought, before the birth
of the ego, there was no self, that had a "its mine attitude", and with this birth of ego, came thoughts
and the rest is history.
There can be no real peace, and healing silence, when thoughts are in torrent flow, slowing down
the thoughts, and eventually  stilling them altogether, is a goal to aim for.
We can only ever really know ourselves, by going within, stilling the mind, and entering into
the silence.
In part three, will look at this way to become. Regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization..

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