Sunday 5 November 2017

Conscious-Realisation-Of-Soul-Opens-Vibratory-Expressions-Rising.=C.R.O.S.S. O.V.E.R. Part Three.

We are presented all of our lives with the phenomena of physical life, we are all totally familiar
with it, and unless a traumatic circumstance arises in our life, or deep emotional turmoil. or
perhaps a grave illness, we never give much thought to who we are, as subconsciously we
are very sure of who we are, at least we think we do, (when we ever think this way,that is!)
To "cross Over" is to make the fundamental and life changing decision to start looking within
yourself, to "re-focus" your attention from forever looking outward, to beginning to start
looking inward. The facts seem to be, that very few of us, if any, will make the choice or
decision to look within ourselves, unless we are faced with a crisis, there may be a few
exceptions to this, but as yet i have never met one.
I would like to present here an alternate meaning and understanding of the word SIN,
I know it has religious connotations for many, and implies we do wrong, however i
see this word as "Spirit-Is Negated"=S.I.N.  and we negate this truth of our being
though "ignorance" and NOT through any wrong doing! We negate our spiritual
heritage because of our ignorance of whom we really are, "we do not know" we
were never taught this basic and fundamental reality,it is only in times of crisis, that
the soul within us, catches our ears and attention, that "still small voice within us"
that is the voice of your soul, trying to get through to you.
I hope that any of you reading this, will at least consider what is being said here,that
we are all immortal souls, having a human experience here on earth,your reality our
reality, is that first we are all spirit, second we are all souls,and third we are all human
beings, in that order,if you take the trouble and time to look within yourself, ask yourself
the most important question you will ever ask in your entire lifetime, that of "WHO AM I"
if you ask yourself that question, you will eventually receive an answer saying who and
what you really are,then you will know once and for all, your true identity, your divine
heritage,your higher self will communicate with you, (the very same voice, that is that still
small voice within) it will verify what is being said here, to you, now reading this!
Crossing over is about re-focusing our gaze from outer to inner, so that we can learn and
understand our true identity and thereby adjust ourselves accordingly.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soulrealisation.

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