Sunday 26 November 2017

Reflection Of Our Perfection Creates The Act Of Resurrection.

Resurrection is the concept of coming back to life after death, according to Wikipeda. What then dies? The body? The ego? The personality? As with my last blog, saying that we are all reflections
of an inner perfection, and that if we knew our real self, we would automatically become WHOLE
which in reality is just another name for perfection.
We have so long been indoctrinated with bullshit and fanciful ignorance, that we have lost the plot
as to who we REALLY ARE, instead we accept the ignorance of just believing and hoping, instead
of knowing and being.
We are all encouraged to forever look outward, and buy, buy, buy, consume and remain a dumb
and hypnotised consumer, not ever realising that it is YOU, who is being CONSUMED (eaten
alive) trapped in a cage less cage, a prisoner without ever knowing the truth, or your captors.
And billions will live their entire lives without ever knowing just how manipulated and trapped
they have been.
We do not have to believe in things we are told, about what happens when you die, or what religeons
say,whether you have be told you are a sinner or not,belief and hoping, do not cut the mustard, 
you have a divine right to bloody well KNOW,  reality is what you ARE, we all our the very embodiment of realty, we all our real right? Reality is all around you, if you have but eyes to see.
The truth of what we are lies within you. Not outside of you, only by looking within, will you
discover this reality of just who YOU REALLY ARE, and the beauty of this TRUTH, for truth
it most certainly is,you do not have to take MY WORD for it, or any one else's word for it, just
look within yourself, ask yourself the question WHO AM I? PERSIST in this internal questioning
and the answer will present itself to you in the form of an intuitional inner voice. Then you will
know the reality of who you really are ,for yourself, and know that this is not bullshit, being told to you.
The reflection of perfection is when we re-cognise who we really are that of souls with physical
bodies, when then we receive a download of knowledge and wisdom from our higher self the soul,
which expands our consciousness, and completes our marrying up to our true self, we then are no
longer "fragmented" instead we become "WHOLE" beings, wholly whole, the old self is reborn
within the new higher self, you are in  effect RE-BORN or in other words RESURRECTED while
still alive and living in your physical body.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

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