Saturday 11 November 2017


Things are not what they "seem" to be, "all things are the same thing", that is the basic reality
behind all "appearances". Your body is made out of the "same thing" that you now sit on,
the chair! How can this be, you ask? I am completely different from this chair, yes you "seem"
to be, but we need to consider that "appearances" like the word "seem" can be deceptive,
the only real difference between you and the chair, is by degree only, your vibration rate is
more rapid than the chair,and you are what is called animated, while the chair is thought to be
inanimate, but the reality is that you are both made up from the same "THING" and that thing
Consciousness and thing are exactly the same thing! In our language we use plurals and say
that there are many things, this is in fact wholly incorrect, the reality is that there is "no
plurality in reality" there is only THING there is no "S" on the end of the word, the same as
there is no such thing as consciousness-es, just the singular thing or consciousness, if we can
accept  that all is consciousness and that consciousness is all, then that's all there (IS)
consciousness is then put into its rightful place of being both absolute and relative
simultaneously, just as the THING is.
No-thing is consciousness, and consciousness is no-thing, it is in fact ALL-THING! And that
means that every-thing that we now use a multitude of different names to describe these so called
different things, which include descriptive words like, GOD,  electricity, energy, force, light,
power, atoms, solar systems,suns, dining tables, shaving soap,dogs, cows, us, are in truth all the
very same thing, the only difference is in degree and vibration,inanimate is still consciousness,
but at a level that we are as yet unable to attune with, we all will eventually.
We are the embodiment of no-thing, made out of no-thing, that no-thing is the all thing which
is consciousness, consciousness is LIFE, divinity is life, and life is consciousness, spirit, is also
consciousness,consciousness at its ultimate state, which is beyond vibration and is absolutely
Consciousness was never "made" it just "IS" eternally present. We too are the same, we were never
made and consequently we can never be unmade  or die, we just change our venue from earth to
another level of consciousness, on another realm.
Warmest regards Michael any comment welcome face book soul realisation.

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