Monday 2 January 2023



This blog today entitled LOWEST is about how all wisdom  universal and eternal

is al vouchsafed within  every human being. All expressed life universal is a 

"localized" expression a relative formation of that which is omnipresent and 

ubiquitous when in its UN-LOCALIZED  state which is that of the eternal 

UNBORN Spirit.

Within humanity locked within its localized presented state of physicality is all

knowledge and wisdom, which resides deep within all of mankind . To uncover

this hidden treasure within us all, we need to look within ourselves  and take up the

practice of meditation . When we can do this we will begin a journey that will if

practiced lead us into becoming awake into the real nature of who we all really are.

You will discover that wisdom and knowledge lie deep within you, you have nothing

to "LEARN" but only to "UNCOVER" what lies within you.

Our Localized points of reference within the life stream of presentation , is fully 

connected to all knowledge and universal wisdom , we have but only to reconnect 

with this inner truth to UNCOVER that hidden treasure within us.

This blog LOWEST is a "direction pointer" for the way to reveal to yourself who you

really are.

All the wisdom of "SOLOMON" lies deep within you now dear reader of this blog 

today, all you need do is to begin the daily practice of meditation, enter into that inner

silence when all thoughts are ceased and listen to that small inner voice of your INTUITION

this will guide you  into a place of full self knowing, if you persist with this quest to know

who you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. As a short story writer, I found this blog to be a beautiful and inspiring reminder of the wisdom that lies within each and every one of us. The idea of uncovering this hidden treasure through the practice of meditation is a powerful one, and I will definitely be considering incorporating this into my own daily routine. Thank you for sharing this message of self-discovery and inner truth.
