This blog today entitled IRON-BITS is about how Intangible Spirit Essence which
is NO-THING. becomes an infinitely Tangible SOMETHING which we call that
of relative reality which is Life as we know it. Showing how intangible nothing
essence of ALL, can become SOMETHING by the way of condensing and congealing
pure energy. Before this universe was born, there was NO-THING whatsoever. There
was no LIFE, no EXISTENCE, no MOTION. zero relativity, only that of the ABSOLUTE
All relativity was "BORN" at the "POINT" of that Primordial Intension Thought Wave
which caused MOTION to arise from within that of motionlessness. From that primal
thought wave all relativity began and this motion of IDEATION rotated in SPIRAL
motion which was a singularity vortex which brought about the condensing of
intangible thought into that of pure energy.
And from pure energy which is condensed SPIRIT, we have further condensing into
what we call dense matter , which is tangible stuff which makes up LIFE.
All expressed life has its tangible visible relative phase (phenomenon), and its invisible
intangible absolute matrix essence phase(NOUMENON).
Humanity are no exception to this universal law of expression into tangibility sequence.
On the physical presented level we all are relative physical beings , but at the invisible
matrix essence we are all Spirit intangible reality.
"WE" are all SOMETHING in our presentation sequence, and our all NO-THING in
our pure essence of BEING SPIRIT.
IRON-BITS is about making inroads into the mystery of expression into LIFE and what
life really "IS" Behind the shadow of its physical form?
The intangible becomes tangible by being MOVED by the MOTION of Divine
warmest regards and happy new year dear readers michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.