This blog today entitled WAITED is about us asking that most vital question of
"who am "I" ? Who are we really beneath this FACADE of form? What is our
invisible inner nature? These questions will arise within us all at sometime within
our life, what will your answer be dear reader of this blog? Some of us will say we
do not know, others will say that this physical body is who I really am , and when
I die, its all over. There is a way that we can all find out who we really are, and that is
for us to look within ourselves to take up regular meditation or yoga.
If you do that and are able to enter into the silence within yourself, when all your
thoughts are stilled , then you will begin to enter a place where the answer to who
you are will become presented to you.
The deeper you penetrate into your self you will then become aware of a inner voice
within you . This inner voice is your INTUITION once you have contacted your
intuition you will be then well on your way to revealing who you really are.
You will discover that you are not a body who may have a spirit or soul, but rather
you are primarily a Spirit first who has a soul covering called Koshas and that your
physical body is really just a vehicle which the spirit/soul uses in order to gain purchase
into this dense physical realm of earth.
When we examine the findings from our INTUITION we can then decide what the
answer is to the question of who am "I"?
You will then know that you are really an UNBORN eternal Spirit being presented
through five Koshas of expression and lastly contained within a physical body vehicle
in order for that Divine Intelligence to gather experiences of tangibility and interacting
with other life forms.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.