This blog today called KNIFE EDGE is about how we are all within the truth of
being, which is the eternal ever present motionless NOW, and that we are all on
a "KNIFE EDGE" of realizing what we are all contained within, that which is the
NOW. The ancient wisdom states that "wide is the path, and narrow is the gate
that leads to liberation". If we can KNOW that the NOW is a Divine Force that
embraces and enfolds all life universally, then we can MOVE to the "EDGE"
of Full Knowing which is understanding that the EDGE reveals to our inner gaze
that of Eternal Divine GOD expressed. and that "we" are all part of that Divine
SOURCE expression being expressed as a human being right now as you read
this dear reader of this blog.
The "NOW" (SOURCE) embraces and enfolds all life universally "WE" all are
"TOTALLY WITHIN IT" super condensed pure spirit "appearing" as that of a
physical human being.
KNIFE EDGE is about knowing ourselves as we really are, and recognizing that
we are all totally submerged within the infinite embrace of that which we call the
NOW. The NOW is that of the "IDEA" that gave birth to all MOTION and motion
was born as LIFE
All Life emerged out of the NOW which is motionless . LIFE is the IDEA born in
stillness an d moved into motion by the WILL of the NOW.
The eternal NOW and that of the SOURCE are both ONE of the SAME THING.
NOW is the GREAT SPIRIT being expressed in LIFE MOTION by its WILL in
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.