Friday 6 January 2023



This blog today entitled SPINS is about how we perceive the relative universe 

through our physical eyes, and further to express what the NOW actually is.

The NOW  is a point(singularity) of consciousness localized within a human

vehicle .Consciousness as it "IS", is universal and omnipresent it transcends 

this relative universe , as does awareness and the NOW.

The NOW  "removed" from the vision of the eyes mortal, and a point of localized

consciousness is that of an Eternal Absolute VOID  of NO-THING-NESS, eternally

still and motionlessness absolute and UN KNOWN.

The relativity of energy and the seemingly endless supply of "THINGS"  overshadow

the NOW and COLOUR it with a MYRAID of things that we all perceive with our 

eyes, and this paints a picture of the world as we see it. The NOW we SEE is through

the perspective of a distorted LENS that is our localized consciousness which is 

peering out into and from that point of singularity which is our ANCHOR  into 

this physical dimensional realm of Earth.

"WE" are looking into the absolute VOID of the NOW Eternal Expanse through 

the LENS of our physical brain and eyes, and we see the illusion of countless things

which can baffle us into seeing many when there is but "ONE". 

Everything in this relative universe is made of ONE THING ONLY and that is 

ENERGY which is LIGHT condensed and congealed , and the essence of energy

which is MOTION is THOUGHT INTENTION which arises from within the ABSOLUTE


"WE" are all SPIRIT POINTS (singularity) SPINNING  and peering out into the Void

of  NOW and thereby seeing relativity and motion, and within this motioning sequence

we "LIVE and "MOVE" in the MOTION and have our BEING while collecting experiences

of being able to feel motion and emotion through tangible exchanges with other tangible 

beings, and experiencing the interactions of those experiences.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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