Thursday 19 January 2023



This blog today entitled LIFE is about explaining the idea of what LIFE actually

is, as it is expressed in so many diverse ways.

To break it down into four parts, the first word is "LIVING" it is alive and has 

motion within it, second we have "INTELLIGENCE" so here we have something

that is alive and also Intelligent. The we have "FOCUSED" which means that this 

living intelligence has a directional focus on what it  needs to prosper, and last we have

"ENERGY",  so that this energy is alive, intelligent, focused,  and has the energy to do

what it needs to function in its environment.

To me LIFE is an expression of an inner invisible force that is the motioning intelligence

that moves through this universe. We as observers only see the phenomenon we call life

that which has a physical presentation . But beneath the outer showing of this life 

principle lies the unseen NOUMENON which is the Eternal Essence of all expressed 

life, which is that of SPIRIT.

Behind all the motioning of expressed life, lies that of STILLNESS which is the 

NOUMENON. The Divine Intelligence that motions all LIFE into EXISTENCE (motion

atomic vibration) ,

Humanity is on the exterior tangible physical life phenomenon, but on the interior we are 

all the essence of LIFE which is the NOUMENON which is called that of DIVINITY


WE EMERGE into Motional Life Expression from within the STILLNESS of Eternal 

Being-ness. LIFE is a Collective Cooperative  of experience gathering on a universal

scale beyond our localized self aware comprehension.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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