Saturday 7 January 2023



Todays blog entitled HAND is about how "YOU" have never left the HERE and

NOW since you were born, and what's more you never will during your entire life

time here on planet Earth.

We all seem to buy into the illusion that there is a future and a past . our memories 

support this illusion , but the reality is that all that is eternally real and present always

in your life expression is that of the HERE and NOW. These two facts are always present

and up to date moment by moment throughout our lives.

Life is a spiral that we are all on. is a motioning force that we all call evolution ,

evolution moves ever onwards as we slowly ascend into this upwelling spiral of 

expressed life. The more modern word for evolution is that of ascension and all of 

humanity is ascending by motioning through the eternally still ever present HERE

and NOW.

We that of life moves, the NOW never moves and is a stationary point within the Absolute.

The NOW is absolute and it reaches into our relative universe from which it is 

Transcendent of.

The question then arises as to then what is the HERE that is always NOW? What is its

NATURE?  If we then DIVINE its nature (look deeply into it) we find an 

"OMNIPRESENT PRESENCE"  that is eternally motionlessness and also transcendent

of this universe. Does this not remind you of SOME-THING? Are not these all the 

HALLMARKS of the SOURCE GOD ALSO? Omnipresent Transcendent, always still?

HERE and NOW  are the eternal UNBORN Reality , that we as expressed life (which is

SOURCE) are all moving through gathering experience of tangible motioning and that

of interacting with other tangible life expressions and becoming fully aware of what life

and motion are really like to experience.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. This blog really resonated with me as a writer. It's easy to get caught up in the illusion of the past and future, but this reminder to stay present in the here and now is crucial not only for our own well-being, but for our creative process as well. The idea of life as a spiral of evolution, moving through the eternal present, is a beautiful and profound way to think about our journey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Michael.

  2. Bless you Sebastian for your input here, I am grateful and honoured for your response.
