This blog today entitled SAMADHI is about a "point" that all human life will reach
at some time in our evolution process, if we ask the question of what is SAMADHI ?
We will see that SAMADHI is the pathless path that we all tread life after life in search
of OUR-SELF. The path is pathless because we create it moment by moment in our
journey through this evolutionary cycle, and onto that of our ascension cycle. each
incarnation brings us one step closer to that of realizing and fully knowing that we our
SAMADHI involves transcending the cycle of cause and effect, and also the narrow realm
of reason and logic, nothing is logical with SAMADHI, SAMADHI can thus be termed as
a state that is beyond logic, beyond awareness, and beyond thought.
Each one of us has the capacity to make up our minds to look deep within ourselves. We
can take up meditation or yoga that will enable us to do this. SAMADHI is about waking
up and "KNOWING" and BEING".
I first experienced SAMADHI back in 1975 when I had started meditating and was
venturing deeply within the SELF. For me the realization and SAMADHI experience
was a completely and totally SPONTANEOUS one that rushed through me like a
"mighty wind" a wind of the SPIRIT, that took me through this entire universe in a
blink of an eye, I noticed that light seemed to be moving at a "snails pace" as I
rushed past all universal things and entered a BLACK VOID, the universe was GONE
Here in this ETERNAL ABSOLUTE VOID I heard a voice which said that "BEFORE
this universe was born, I AM" I felt that "I" that I thought was ME had expanded
into infinity and eternity and that I was now the totality of ALL, expanded into that of
ABSOLUTE INCLUSIVITY. this experience took me several days to return to what
was supposed to be that of normality. Over the past forty odd years that have past since
that profound experience, I have had other profound experiences as well, these are for
another day.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Thank you