Monday 20 February 2023



Todays blog entitled EPIC is about how we that of humanity have within us

an anchor which is that of Divine Spirit, which is eternally present and infinite 

consciousness. At the core of our being our consciousness is infinite and eternal.

but within our localized physical body our consciousness appears as that of being

somewhat localized within the brain area.

EPIC is about how we can expand our level of consciousness and make actual contact

with this Divine Presence, that lies within us all.

By going within ourselves and taking up meditation or yoga. we then can begin to enter

into the silence within and within this silence begin the process of expanding our 

consciousness and perspective awareness.

By doing this simple act of meditation or yoga, we will then be able to remove that 

vast blanket of ignorance that enshrouds the mass of humanity.

We each have within this anchor of Divinity which is eternally present, a point within 

the brain that is directly connected to this inner spirit is called our INTUITION, this

"POINT" is connected by electromagnetic waves of energy.

Our INTUITION is that inner GURU that will allow us all to make this EPIC connection

directly to that core BEING of eternal Spirit.

Looking within ourselves is the way OUT of being wholly ignorant as to who and what

we really are. Within us ALL lies the truth of BEING.

EPIC points  to where that can be found, which is within us all. Humanity GAZES 

primarily OUTWARD into the motioning of expressed life. But to understand what we

are really looking at, we need to move our GAZE from outward to inward,

Here within us all lies the answer to our real IMMORTAL NATURE , EPIC will 

lead you into this KNOWING by gazing within your  SELF, Therein lies the TRUTH


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks 

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