Saturday 14 October 2023



This blog today entitled MOMENT is about how mankind being a METAPHOR

for NOTHING trying to become SOMETHING, and then something trying to again

become NO-THING. The journey into SELF realization and the full knowing of who

and what we really all our.

The reality is that mankind is basically a collection of eight billion vehicles that all

hold within its matrix the REAL BEING ,  which is the Divine SELF. This divine SELF

is the PRESENCE we feel in times of  AWE and blissful experiences . This inner SELF

SPIRIT is the real you , and we know it not.

The other METAPHOR that arises in our lives from time to time, is that in order to fully

live, we must also die of the ego lower  self . To live fully we have to die in the ego illusion

of being the real you. The real YOU is NOT THE EGO or personality. The real YOU is

your HIGHER SELF, not the lower ego construct, that belongs to the vehicle, and YOU are

not the VEHICLE, YOU are a Divine Immortal Spirit. We have to die (EGO) in order to

fully LIVE, we need to fully understand what this MEANS. WHAT DIES is your lower

self EGO-personality and the illusion of being an individual.  There is no such a thing

as an individual, "WE" are all made out of the SAME SPIRIT ESSENCE. The word 

individual is a meaningless  FANTASY conjured up by the ego to make you feel different

from your brothers and sisters. MOMENT is about waking up and seeing who is the real

IMMORTAL YOU, and realizing you are not the cardboard cut out which is just

your vehicle a biological machine, to house the REAL HIGHER SELF "YOU"!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates  within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks

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