Friday 13 October 2023



This blog today entitles CRISIS is about how we all encounter a CRISIS or

two in our lives. and how this affects us all , when our backs are up against 

the wall and there is nowhere  to go. We have a feeling of being crushed

emotionally , heads reeling in fear and extreme anxiety, feeling inwardly sick

and totally desperate.  Then we hear that still small inner voice of out INTUITION

which speaks to us in hushed tones, a reassuring inner voice that give us hope and

relieves our feelings of hopelessness.

Who among us has not experienced  this crisis point? Few I would guess, We can

turn our lives around after a crisis  has arisen in our lives . If we have been fortunate

to hear the still small voice, we can then ask the question of where does this inner voice

arise from? The answer is that this inner voice lives within each one of us. It is called

our INTUITION and this intuition is our direct connection to our HIGHER SELF. We

have basically two self's, the lower self which is the ego personality mind which gives us

the feeling of being an individual . And there is the HIGHER SELF which is that of 

who you really ARE, which is a Divine Immortal being. By going within yourself 

and taking up meditation or yoga , you can then tap into this intuition  which will become

like an inner teacher , a personal guru to you. Your Intuition has all wisdom of the ages

within its infinite being.

It will uncover the layers of ignorance that hide this truth from your view. YOUR  CRISIS

POINT can become the best thing that ever happened to you, as it brings in its wake an

awakening within you, that you then embrace your HIGHER SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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