Wednesday 25 October 2023



This blog today entitled MISTY is about our understanding of what and who 

"WE" all our beneath this FACADE of FORM which is our physical vehicle.

Who are we in essence? What exactly lies at our core matrix? We are all spiritual

beings, what does this mean? This blog will try and answer these pertinent questions.

Man kind is expressed within a three fold expression being a physical and mental and

spiritual being. Here the word Spiritual means being "of the spirit". We are life meaning

that we are Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy- being enclosed within a physical body

which is a KOSHA covering for the spirit  core within. We are physical and mental 

beings , which has the added dimension of SPIRIT put into the mixture of expressed 

life. Our living signature has evolved to the point where we have gained  SELF AWARENESS

our I AM SELF AWARE  this knowing of being an I AM SELF AWARE BEING is the

GOD-LIKE signature added into mankind's expressed mixture.

We are all GOD and we know it not , and because our our gross ignorance of our true

being which is that of eternal SPIRIT, we then enter into a long process of incarnations

where we have all kinds of experiences that begin to build up a picture of who and what we

truly are. 

Incarnation sequences are designed to enable you to fully wake up and realize who you

really are. We are all Divine Spirit undergoing an experience here on Earth to try through

interactions with other life to find our way back into fully knowing OUR-SELF.

MISTY is that foggy road we sometimes travel , before we see the RISING SUN, and

thereby WAKE UP.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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