Monday 2 October 2023


This blog today entitled CREATE is about how that of consciousness which in 

essence is just a reflective principle , what it reflects is that of awareness. Consciousness

is really just a reflecting ECHO of awareness when refocused upon the PRISM of the 

human mind.  CREATE is about how we can  understand exactly what consciousness 

really is,  and that the absolute and PRIMARY PRINCIPLE is that of AWARENESS

Consciousness is in truth just a relative reflection of awareness. This ethereal universe 

which is a duality based relative infinite expanse  of motional conscious energy, like 

sunlight and shadow awareness represents the sun light while consciousness represents

the shadow. This relative universe is an echo of stillness manifested as motion.

The same is Pure Awareness is absolute and motionlessness.  while consciousness

is motional and reflective and it  moves through the medium of fluid space. The fluid 

fluid is pure awareness the idea that reflects it is consciousness. You can have awareness

without the presence of consciousness , but you cannot have have consciousness without

the presence of awareness awareness is always Primary while consciousness is always

secondary.. when we can know fully who and what we aee it will become abundantly 

clear that our physical bodies represent consciousness , while our inner spirit is that of

awareness. Humanity is that of a consciousness vehicle , consciousness made into a dense

physical matter which has become flesh and blood human being Humanity is a reflection

of the Divine principle of awareness . When we fully know our true Divine immortal 

nature it will become abundantly clear as to what our vehicles actually are,

CREATE reveals the LIGHT (AWARENESS) behind the SHADOW within is


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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