Tuesday 31 October 2023



This blog today entitled FORCES is about how we can look within ourselves

an thereby uncover the true nature of our being.

This universe is an infinite ocean of many forces of which impact upon all our

lives unceasingly. One of the forces that make up this ocean of universal energy

is consciousness. Consciousness holds all the wisdom of this universe within its

infinite embrace .We are all fully and deeply immersed within this universal fluid

of what we call consciousness . When we start the process of looking within our

self we then also begin tapping into deeper layers of consciousness.

Finding Out Revealing consciousness is about seeking out within ourselves and

thereby uncovering what lies deep within our inner core of being. Humanity is

shrouded by a dense blanket of ignorance that hides the "REAL YOU". By going

deep within yourself we then begin to uncover what lies there within us all.

We do not need to LEARN ANYTHING whatsoever what we need to do is

UNCOVER what lies beneath this FACADE OF FORM we call the human body.

As we penetrate deeper within ourselves our level of consciousness grows deeper

and deeper ,our perceptive awareness expands exponentially . We become aware of

a PRESENCE within us, this inner presence is your HIGHER SELF, which is vastly

different from your lower ego personality self.

FORCES is about how you can know your "REAL SELF" which hides under

a dense blanket of ignorance. All the answers to all your questions lie within you now.

Just venture within and find your true IMMORTAL SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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