Thursday 12 October 2023



This blog today entitled D N A  is about waking up and realizing who and what 

we really all our. To be able to DIVINE nothing and by doing so awaken into full

SELF KNOWING. How do we DIVINE nothing? We need to understand that the

word DIVINE can be seem to mean "TO PERCEIVE INTUITITIVELY" by 

therefore looking deeply within ourselves , we begin to come face to face with 

NO-THING. The art of Divining is to "seek and you will find", seek out what 

lies beneath that FACADE OF FORM which is the physical vehicle. D N A is

the composition of the elements that make up your vehicle, which the real inner

Presence uses to gather tangible experiences. By entering into your inner silence  you

then begin to make conscious contact with your real HIGHER SELF. Humanity has

been asleep for ages long past, a few here and there have awoken, but today our D N A 

is calling out to us with intuitive insights about who we truly are, our higher self is 

urging us to look within and thereby begin the awakening sequence. Which will finally

reveal who and what we really are. Within us buried under a blanket of ignorance lies

the real YOU. WE have zero to learn, all we need is to UNCOVER the divine wisdom 

that lies within us all. To uncover this buried treasure of full self knowing , all we need

to do is to seek out that inner silence that arises within us when all thoughts are stilled.

Here in that inner silence our INTUITION (HIGHER SELF) will reveal slowly to our

startled gaze just who and what we really all our. which is the Divine Immortal Higher


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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