Saturday 28 January 2023



This blog today entitled DOLE TOTE is about what could be called the DANCE

OF LIFE, and  how the intangible SPIRIT (GOD) became TANGIBLE into 

condensed matter and is then able to partake in the TANGO of TANGIBILITIES

motioning through this infinite diverse expressions which are active throughout 

this relative universe. 

Absolute Intelligence is the master MOTIONEER of all living energy universal.

Life is all orchestrated by the master conductor of the Absolute Source who conducts 

the LIFE Stream of expressions as a Dance of Evolution in which the dance unfolds

the dancers step by step as it moves and sways in rhythmically precise steps of gradually

opening up as a flower opens upon the rising sun.

The ultimate IDEA behind the Dance of Life is to awaken and become aware of just

who and what this Dancer really is. "WE" have all danced though many "Kingdoms of

Expression", which are basically five kingdoms of life, which are Animalia, Plantae,

Fungi, Protista, and Bacteria, "WE" have all danced the TANGO of TANGIBLES 

through billions of years  as being expressions of LIFE.

Now Humanity is at the APEX of its long dance of Expression and has been CROWNED

by our I AM SELF AWARE consciousness and becoming  SELF AWARE of an 

inner Intelligence within us which is that of the INTANGIBLE SPIRIT which we are

all beginning to wake up and realize our Divine Immortal Heritage.

"WE" have all DANCED within the RIVER and RHYTHM of LIFE for AEONS 

long past . Now we are beginning to AWAKE to our true DIVINE BEING, we will

then FULLY WAKE UP . then we will be able to "Leave the dance floor" of life

and then move back into the stillness of eternal bliss and atonement within the ALL, 

or we can consciously chose to  remain on the dance floor of expressed life, and 

thereby assist other dancers into fully knowing their selves, as an act of service.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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