Friday 17 March 2023



This blog  today entitled Hasty is about how the whole of humanity is gradually

being transformed by the inbuilt ascension sequence that perpetually propels us

ever onwards towards a fully realized awareness of our true immortal BEING-NESS.

The older name for this process was evolution and we have all been entwined within

this sequence for AEONS long past.

Now though in the 21st century things are beginning to speed up and we are now 

moving into a more propelled awakening which is being called that of ascension.

The internet is full of sites about  our ascension and the need to look within ourselves

and meditate or practice yoga.

Millions of human beings are now in the process of waking up into their true immortal

reality, and this trend is speeding up  getting more HASTY as each year passes.

As far as we can know at this point in our ascension that human beings are at the APEX

point of the life motioning peak. That humanity has the full ability to reveal the LIFE

inner Principle which is that of PURE SPIRIT or SOURCE.

Mankind can look within itself and reveal what lies beneath the FACADE of FORM

which is the physical vehicle that holds the life principle in perfect coherence.

In other parts of this universe there may be higher forms of expression than we are, but

as yet we do not know for sure.

So it seems that mankind is the apex being about t be able to expose that hidden inner

life force which is the Divine Spark energy, when mankind fully knows THYSELF

we will reveal the SOURCE spirit Intelligence that propels life along the pathway of

evolution, then onto ascension. 

HASTY is about YOU revealing who you REALLY ARE, beneath that FACADE of  FORM.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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