Friday 7 October 2016

Am I A Voice Crying Out In The Wilderness??

John the Baptist (reportedly said these words) long ago when asked who was he! Its interesting because I feel exactly the same as he did thousands of years ago. We live in a world (western world) that is absolutely filled and obsessed with trivia posing as something of depth! Bullshit dressed up as a fairy princess and you all can look like ME it says! Have plastic surgery to help you do this! Thousands if not millions of our brothers and sisters are dying each DAY of starvation and disease ,children  dying in agony and pain every second while you read this here ,and  what do the headlines say? Breaking NEWS!!!!!! Footballer causes a stink by farting in upmarket restaurant!!!!
Are we so blinded by celebrity worship and all the shallow crap that issues out of the mouths of these soulless empty egomaniacs that we have all lost our way?
A man kicks a bag of air (football) and is paid millions! A doctor who is saving lives in Syria is paid peanuts and often killed for his efforts! Do we understand what priorities  actually mean!! How many of you now reading this ,if  you even got this far that is understand this.
Virtual reality is FAST replacing actual reality and it is growing at the rate of knots, just look at what Facebook  has created and is now news! Virtual images of YOU that can communicate with "your" friends!!What next, don't go on that date with the girl, send your virtual self instead! And then you can do something really much more interesting like playing a virtual game on your favourite bit of plastic!

warm regards Michael.

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