Sunday 2 October 2016

An App A Day Keeps Reality At Bay!

What was the world like before the APP? The word to me spells out the sickness that is unfolding within the Western world,app to me stands for Acquiring-Personal-Possessions=APP,we are possessed by our possessions! You do not need a Ghost from a Hollywood film to possess you,the App will do a much more finer job on you than any film portrayal, I heard a chap say the other day ,when he was asked if he meditated,his reply was yes I have it on an App in my phone!!
If we are aware,and I sincerely hope you all our dear readers of this blog,the distance from being an app being used by each of us is expanding in nature and we need to be very wary where this expansion will lead us for on the horizon heading toward us is the completion of this expanding sequence and it spells App-athy and all the mental and physical illnesses that arise within the app-
athy of having no real hope or inner joy.
We live in a world that is choking to death on plastic,the oceans are polluted with it,plastic beads used in cosmetics are killing of fish and other marine life at a frightening pace,we seems to live most of our days clutching a piece of plastic in our hands,and forever gazing at it as though in a trance,hundreds of people every year are injured and even killed while crossing the road,instead of paying attention to where they were,they were so fixated on their plastic device that they failed to see the lorry or car approaching! When you next travel dear reader,on a bus,train,or plane,look around you,pay particular attention to young parents with small children and notice how many of them are actually engaging with their offspring? Most will be fixated by that plastic hypnotic divice they hold tightly in there hands.Notice the look on the child's face? Many have "given up" trying to get any attention from mum or dad,they just sit there with a blank stare (apathy being created before your very eyes) dear readers,don't take my word for it,get on a bus or train and see for yourself!
PLASTIC to me represents this following sequence that is unfolding as we speak.Place-Limit-At-Soul-thinking-Inner-Closure- =PLASTIC!!!!

warmest regards michael.

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