Thursday 27 October 2016

Real - "I"-Expression = (REAL-"I"ZATION.

We live within duality and are expressed as such. There is the small "i" that most of us hail from and are very familiar with, and then there is the real "I" of which very few are consciously aware of, and millions also that are completely ignorant of there "true" nature ,that  of (Incarnate  Divinity) .
Soul Real-I aztion of which the blog is all about, is that through the practise of meditation and Yoga
we can begin to penetrate the vibrational frequencies that separate the lower self from the Higher self (soul) and begin to put in place a telepathic communication link between the lower to the higher and the higher to the lower. 
To establish contact with the higher self (soul) we have to put in the discipline that is necessary for this to happen, we have to raise our vibrational frequency through the regular practise of meditation over a considerable time period. The time it takes bares a direct onus upon the effort you put in,being patient, persistent, and persevering ,it  might takes one individual six months to make first conscious contact ,it  might take another 6 years or more. In my case it took a brief time as I underwent a profound  psychic change and spiritual experience, which in effect blasted me into a forth dimensional level of consciousness, and revealed the inner Divinity that we all possess yet so few realize.
I wish to share this reality with anyone who cares to read this little ole blog, and reassure you all  that we are ALL souls with Bodies and NOT the other way round,  Soul is Primary ,the  body is just a vehicle that the soul needs in order to manifest a "reflection" of itself  upon the dense physical Earth plane. This is NOT a theory  my friends ,make  no mistake about this,we are ALL eternal souls and this is our Divine heritage which is a fact of nature expressed within natural universal LAW.We are here to gather experience and learn from this and grow wiser and more loving in nature by doing this.
This reality is OPEN TO YOU DEAR READER,dont take MY word for it PUT it to the test,practise meditation be honest in your efforts and practise the discipline and you will see the reality of YOUR true nature UNFOLD before your very eyes! And it will not cost you ONE PENNY,I have no-thing to sell ,there  are plenty on the internet that will sell you enlightenment very fast, maybe in your lunch  break! These are peddlers of bullshit and should be well  steered clear of.
warmest regards Michael

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful advice in this blog - a simple way to realisation and a reminder that it takes persistence. Thank you.
