Friday 7 October 2016

Soul Presented In Relative Inner Thought =S.P.I.R.I.T.

Who are you? Yes YOU now reading this, what is your answer to the question? Or have you had enough already and switched off, your five second attention span already stretched to its virtual limit!
Who are we? and more importantly what are we? It is really no mystery as to who we really are ,it  has been carefully documented for over five thousand years now, its just whether any of us have taken the time out of our very busy itineraries to find out about who we really are, and what's more do we really care?? Perhaps the latest fashion blog is more important than the reality of your own being!
The absolute wonder of reality is that it is ,what  we are!  Yes we are the very embodiment of reality expressed in its "outer" form as a human being ,a  human being that is a soul (higher self) and spirit as well, three in one ,and  one in three, and because it is actually what we our, this is NOT a theory or an idea some mystic had centuries ago, it is WHAT you and I are. Now I can hear things like ,this  is bullshit! And I don't buy it, fine by me ,perhaps Facebook will give you the true  meaning of reality
and you can then share that with your five thousand virtual friends! The beauty of reality is just THIS
It is vouchsafed within your  psyche, you  cannot possibly escape from what you are, whether you accept it or not it is utterly irrelevant ,it just is! Now you can know this for your self ,you  DO NOT have to take my word for it ,or  anyone else either, just sit quietly and ask yourself the question ,am  I really Spirit being expressed in human form??What have you got to loose? If you do this, and maybe a few times as it will no doubt be strange for you to be asking YOU a question like this,I can assure you dear reader of this blog (by the way) If you have made it this far ,then bless you,look within ask the question and the answer will come ,then  you will know who you really are ! And then the real work begins?
warmest regards Michael.

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