Thursday 20 October 2016

Be Lucid Omit Glaze =B.L.O.G.

There is a veneer cast over our eyes ,it  confronts us at every turn, the radio, television, films, all give out an air of concern for our health wellbeing and comfort ,but  the reality is what they are only interested in is profit at your expense.
The sad thing about all veneer posing as substance is that so many of us are hooked on the bullshit being peddled out and called healthy and must have this product, the advertisers are masters at dressing up contaminated ingredients and presenting them as "natural" healthy food, it is about as natural as a Martian being elected as president of the USA and having Popeye as his stand in.
Lucidity is absent in this present time ,we live in a world that tries to convince you that shallowness has actually got some depth to it, and that living by proxy ,and  virtual reality are FAR better than that awful "real" world "out there".
Karl Marx when he said "Religion is the opium of the people" would  perhaps also add if he were still around today that virtual reality and smart phones are the opium of the twenty first century.
Along with  advertisers and multinationals who are all masters of glazing over the truth and replacing it with basically lies and bullshit.
If we can omit the glaze (that film cast over our eyes)and then look deeply at what is actually going on around us, we can then begin to wake up from our slumber and take some positive action within ourselves to live in a way that calls out for depth and real meaning, and let go of  that poisoned serpent that lies to us from the shadows of where it dwells.

warm regards Michael.

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