Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Consciousness Opens Doorways Emergence. C.O.D.E.

What is it that emerges from within the open door of our consciousness? What lies beneath our cardboard cut out persona? Consciousness is an ocean of energy, how much we have access to depends upon our ability to find  depth within our being. Many of us ,millions in fact are drowning in the shallowness of ignorance and materialism and are basically two dimensional expressions which  would be three dimensional expressions if so many of us had not got "lost" along the way.
The  C.O.D.E. that we need to open the door that will eventually lead us to a state of emergence and where we will be "reborn "of  the spirit and be able with effort and practise to establish conscious contact with our higher self (soul),is that of meditation and yoga.
We need to understand fully and realize that truth and reality can only be ever found in one place ,and that is within YOU, without is full of snares, traps for the unwary, and is also the home of superficial bullshit posing as something of weight and substance.
Without leads to dis-ease and termination and is by nature exclusive, within leads to wholeness and healing and is by nature inclusive.
We all have an urge to know who we really are, we need to feel whole and safe, we are by our divine nature boundless and free, yet  countless millions of us  are prisoners within ourselves ,and  most do not even know they are in a prison of their own making with no bars to be seen.
Turn our gaze inward ,sit   quietly and observe your breath, let go of all arising thoughts ,just  focus on the breath in and out, relaxed and at ease with yourself, if you make a daily practise of this ,say just five minutes at a time and  slowly build on this as it becomes easier ,if  you persist with this practise your awareness and perceptions will expand ,you  will feel more relaxed and peaceful within and you will be on your way to a new level of consciousness and understanding the nature of who YOU dear reader really ARE!
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmihael17@gmail.com

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