Tuesday 21 December 2021


 Deep  listening is an art that we all need to master if we are to make any headway in our

regular meditation practice. First we need to cease all thoughts, and this takes much practice

but if we persevere we will be able to accomplish this act. What many of us are unaware of

is that listening deeply opens up inner doorways within our awareness and consciousness.

Deep listening has a powerful penetrating force effect, and it permits us entry into finer

dimensions of consciousness , it expands our awareness and conscious levels of perception.

Within the deep inner silence we make contact with out higher self. which is also our

divine immortal soul.

This communication is accessed through our inbuilt intuition, and we get an insightful 

flash of intuition, wisdom or knowledge that will fill us with perceptive awareness. Unknown

knowledge will suddenly fill your mind, and a unifying wisdom will dawn upon your 


ISLES  is about the fact that we each are an "island universe" locked within ourselves

and that by going within ourselves we bridge that ISLE SPACE and venture into that 

silent universe that is our real home and has the answer to all our inner yearnings , questions,

about like, who am I really?

It is totally impossible to BE YOURSELF when all you know about yourself is just what

you see in the mirror! All the mirror reflects is your human vehicle body, which most

definitely is NOT WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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