Wednesday 22 December 2021


 This relative universe is basically a flat infinite circle, which has zero depth. Depth is

an illusion fostered by our relative limited sense of perspective . This relative flat infinite

universe is wholly contained within the "bosom of the father" who is BRAHMAN or GOD

or SOURCE, this entire universe is surrounded and contained within by the Absolute 

VOIDLESS VOID of the ABSOLUTE. "WE" "RISE UP" within this flat circle within

a "tangible format" which is our physical body, our essence is that of pure energy which is

that of SPIRIT which is intangible and is pure still motionless energy, which is Spirit,

For us to become tangible we have to become condensed and congealed like that of 

"SOLID LIGHT", we are then "pressed into substance" "RISE UP" from within the flat

universal surface, which is an infinite ocean of pure energy. We rise up and are pressed into

SHAPE (condensed) and then appear to stand out from the flat surface which implies 

three dimensions. We rise up out of flatness intangibility, and into three dimensional 

relative reality

Before we were in Absolute reality, no being expressed (moving), now we are within an

enclosed format, biological vehicle.

To get the POINT  of this blog we need to look within ourselves and see that in essence 

we are all pure intangible energy, which is spirit. To experience relative life we must become

expressed (have motion, rather than, motionlessness) We are all then PRESSED INTO 

SHAPE and thereby moulded into a physical vehicle, so that you we can thereby experience

tangible physical life.

The flat infinite circle that is our relative universe has as said before at the beginning of

this blog has zero depth, we are completely held and surrounded by the ABSOLUTE 

VOIDLESS VOID, what separates us in relativity from the Absolute is a MEMBRANE

which is far less than an ATOM THICK! 

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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